Add custom converter

This commit is contained in:
LilyRose2798 2024-04-18 21:34:20 +10:00
parent d907a9821f
commit f7942c3004
2 changed files with 116 additions and 89 deletions

View file

@ -9,8 +9,22 @@ from pathlib import Path
from woven import WovenConfig
from json import JSONDecodeError
from cattrs.errors import ClassValidationError
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
from tkinter.messagebox import showerror
import customtkinter as ctk
def load_config(config_path: str) -> WovenConfig | None:
return WovenConfig.load_json_file(config_path)
except FileNotFoundError:
except JSONDecodeError as e:
showerror("Invalid JSON Error", f"Invalid JSON encountered in configuration file: {e}")
except ClassValidationError as e:
details = '\n'.join(f'{type(e).__name__}: {e}' for e in e.exceptions)
showerror("Validation Error", f"The following validation errors occurred when loading the configuration file:\n{details}")
return None
def start(config_path: str):
@ -19,40 +33,46 @@ def start(config_path: str):
app = ctk.CTk()
root = ctk.CTk()
root.minsize(240, 240)
root.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
root.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight = 1)
config = None
config = WovenConfig.load_json_file(config_path)
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"No file found at '{config_path}'")
except JSONDecodeError as e:
print(f"Invalid JSON encountered in configuration file: {e}")
except ClassValidationError as e:
print(f"The following validation errors occurred when loading the configuration file:", file = stderr)
for e in e.exceptions:
print(f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}", file = stderr)
def update_config_handler():
fn = askopenfilename(filetypes = [("JSON Files", "*.json")])
if fn:
if config is not None:
config_textbox = ctk.CTkTextbox(master = app)
config_textbox.insert("0.0", config.to_json_str()) = 0.5, rely = 0.5, anchor = ctk.CENTER)
button = ctk.CTkButton(master = app, text = "Load config", command = lambda: print("button pressed")) = 0.5, rely = 0.5, anchor = ctk.CENTER)
load_config_button = ctk.CTkButton(master = root, text = "Load Config", width = 0, command = update_config_handler)
load_config_button.grid(row = 0, padx = 20, pady = (20, 10), sticky = "w")
save_config_button = ctk.CTkButton(master = root, text = "Save Config", width = 0, command = update_config_handler)
save_config_button.grid(row = 0, padx = 20, pady = (20, 10), sticky = "e")
config_textbox = ctk.CTkTextbox(master = root)
config_textbox.grid(row = 1, column = 0, padx = 20, pady = (10, 20), sticky = "nsew")
def update_config(config: WovenConfig | None):
config_textbox.delete("0.0", "end")
config_textbox.insert("0.0", "" if config is None else config.to_json_str())
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser("woven-ui")
parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action = "store_true", help = "decrease output verbosity")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", default = "config.json", help = "The path to the config file")
args = parser.parse_args()
with redirect_stdout(open(devnull, "w") if args.quiet else stdout):
parser = ArgumentParser("woven-ui")
parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action = "store_true", help = "decrease output verbosity")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", default = "config.json", help = "The path to the config file")
args = parser.parse_args()
with redirect_stdout(open(devnull, "w") if args.quiet else stdout):
if __name__ == "__main__":
except KeyboardInterrupt:

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import annotations
from re import sub
from fabric import Connection, Config
from invoke.exceptions import UnexpectedExit
from pathlib import Path
@ -15,9 +16,10 @@ from itertools import combinations
from math import comb
from typing import Literal, TypeVar, Callable
from wireguard_tools import WireguardConfig, WireguardPeer, WireguardKey
from attrs import define, field, Attribute
from attrs.validators import optional as validator_optional, in_ as validator_in
from cattrs import structure, unstructure
from attrs import define, has, field, fields, Attribute
from attrs.validators import in_ as validator_in
from cattrs import Converter
from cattrs.gen import make_dict_structure_fn, make_dict_unstructure_fn, override
from cattrs.errors import ClassValidationError
@ -25,11 +27,11 @@ class WovenNode:
address: str
gateway: str
interface: str
ipv4Ranges: list[str]
ipv6Ranges: list[str]
ipv4_ranges: list[str]
ipv6_ranges: list[str]
T = TypeVar("T", int, float)
def _range_validator(min_value: T, max_value: T) -> Callable[[T], T]:
def validator_range(min_value: T, max_value: T) -> Callable[[T], T]:
def _validate(cls, attribute: Attribute, value: T) -> T:
if not min_value <= value <= max_value:
raise ValueError(f"field \"{}\" must be between {min_value} and {max_value}")
@ -37,86 +39,86 @@ def _range_validator(min_value: T, max_value: T) -> Callable[[T], T]:
class WovenConfig:
ptpIpv4Range: IPv4Network = field(converter = IPv4Network)
ptpIpv6Range: IPv6Network = field(converter = IPv6Network)
minPort: int = field(validator = _range_validator(0, 0xFFFF))
maxPort: int = field(validator = _range_validator(0, 0xFFFF))
nodes: dict[str, WovenNode]
ptpIpv4Prefix: int = field(default = 30, validator = _range_validator(0, 32))
ptpIpv6Prefix: int = field(default = 64, validator = _range_validator(0, 128))
tunnelPrefix: str = ""
tunnelSuffix: str = "loop"
tunnelSeparator: str = "-"
wireguardDir: Path = field(default = Path("/etc/wireguard"), converter = Path)
wireguardConfigExt: str = field(default = "conf", converter = lambda x: str(x).lstrip("."))
table: Literal["auto", "off"] = field(default = "off", validator = validator_optional(validator_in(["auto", "off"])))
allowedIps: list[str] = field(factory = lambda: ["", "::/0"])
persistentKeepalive: int = field(default = 20, validator = _range_validator(0, 1 << 31 - 1))
min_port: int = field(validator = validator_range(0, 0xFFFF))
max_port: int = field(validator = validator_range(0, 0xFFFF))
ptp_ipv4_range: IPv4Network = field(converter = IPv4Network)
ptp_ipv6_range: IPv6Network = field(converter = IPv6Network)
ptp_ipv4_prefix: int = field(default = 30, validator = validator_range(0, 32))
ptp_ipv6_prefix: int = field(default = 64, validator = validator_range(0, 128))
tunnel_prefix: str = field(default = "")
tunnel_suffix: str = field(default = "loop")
tunnel_separator: str = field(default = "-")
wireguard_dir: Path = field(default = Path("/etc/wireguard"), converter = Path)
wireguard_config_ext: str = field(default = "conf", converter = lambda x: str(x).lstrip("."))
table: Literal["auto", "off"] = field(default = "off", validator = validator_in(["auto", "off"]))
allowed_ips: list[str] = field(default = ["", "::/0"])
persistent_keepalive: int = field(default = 20, validator = validator_range(0, 1 << 31 - 1))
mesh_nodes: dict[str, WovenNode] = field(factory = dict)
def _surround(self, val: str) -> str:
prefix_str = f"{self.tunnelPrefix}{self.tunnelSeparator}" if self.tunnelPrefix else ""
suffix_str = f"{self.tunnelSeparator}{self.tunnelSuffix}" if self.tunnelSuffix else ""
prefix_str = f"{self.tunnel_prefix}{self.tunnel_separator}" if self.tunnel_prefix else ""
suffix_str = f"{self.tunnel_separator}{self.tunnel_suffix}" if self.tunnel_suffix else ""
return f"{prefix_str}{val}{suffix_str}"
def wireguard_config_glob(self) -> str:
return str(self.wireguard_dir / f"{self._surround('*')}.{self.wireguard_config_ext}")
def get_tunnel_name(self, from_id: str, to_id: str) -> str:
return self._surround(f"{from_id}{self.tunnelSeparator}{to_id}")
return self._surround(f"{from_id}{self.tunnel_separator}{to_id}")
def get_config_path(self, tunnel_name: str) -> str:
return self.wireguardDir / f"{tunnel_name}.{self.wireguardConfigExt}"
def wireguardConfigGlob(self) -> str:
return str(self.wireguardDir / f"{self._surround('*')}.{self.wireguardConfigExt}")
return self.wireguard_dir / f"{tunnel_name}.{self.wireguard_config_ext}"
def from_json_str(config: str) -> WovenConfig:
return structure(loads(config), WovenConfig)
return woven_config_converter.structure(loads(config), WovenConfig)
def load_json_file(path: str | bytes | PathLike) -> WovenConfig:
return WovenConfig.from_json_str(Path(path).read_text(encoding = "UTF-8"))
def to_json_str(self) -> str:
return dumps(unstructure(self), indent = 4)
return dumps(woven_config_converter.unstructure(self), default = str, indent = 4)
def save_json_file(self, path: str | bytes | PathLike) -> None:
Path(path).write_text(self.to_json_str(), encoding = "UTF-8")
def validate(self) -> None:
tunnel_count = comb(len(self.nodes), 2)
if int(2 ** (self.ptpIpv4Prefix - self.ptpIpv4Range.prefixlen)) < tunnel_count:
tunnel_count = comb(len(self.mesh_nodes), 2)
if int(2 ** (self.ptp_ipv4_prefix - self.ptp_ipv4_range.prefixlen)) < tunnel_count:
raise ValueError("not enough IPv4 PtP networks to assign")
if int(2 ** (self.ptpIpv6Prefix - self.ptpIpv6Range.prefixlen)) < tunnel_count:
if int(2 ** (self.ptp_ipv6_prefix - self.ptp_ipv6_range.prefixlen)) < tunnel_count:
raise ValueError("not enough IPv6 PtP networks to assign")
if int(2 ** (32 - self.ptpIpv4Prefix)) - 2 < 2:
if int(2 ** (32 - self.ptp_ipv4_prefix)) - 2 < 2:
raise ValueError("not enough IPv4 addresses in each PtP network")
if int(2 ** (128 - self.ptpIpv6Prefix)) - 2 < 2:
if int(2 ** (128 - self.ptp_ipv6_prefix)) - 2 < 2:
raise ValueError("not enough IPv6 addresses in each PtP network")
if self.maxPort - self.minPort < tunnel_count:
if self.max_port - self.min_port < tunnel_count:
raise ValueError("not enough ports to assign")
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
def apply(self, ssh_config = Config(overrides = { "run": { "hide": True } })) -> None:
ptp_ipv4_network_iter = self.ptpIpv4Range.subnets(new_prefix = self.ptpIpv4Prefix)
ptp_ipv6_network_iter = self.ptpIpv6Range.subnets(new_prefix = self.ptpIpv6Prefix)
port_iter = iter(range(self.minPort, self.maxPort))
ptp_ipv4_network_iter = self.ptp_ipv4_range.subnets(new_prefix = self.ptp_ipv4_prefix)
ptp_ipv6_network_iter = self.ptp_ipv6_range.subnets(new_prefix = self.ptp_ipv6_prefix)
port_iter = iter(range(self.min_port, self.max_port))
cs = { id: Connection(node.address, user = "root", config = ssh_config) for id, node in self.nodes.items() }
cs = { id: Connection(node.address, user = "root", config = ssh_config) for id, node in self.mesh_nodes.items() }
for id, c in cs.items():
print(f"stopping services for {id}...", end = " ", flush = True)"for f in {self.wireguardConfigGlob}; do systemctl stop wg-quick@$(basename $f {self.wireguardConfigExt}).service; done")"for f in {self.wireguard_config_glob}; do systemctl stop wg-quick@$(basename $f {self.wireguard_config_ext}).service; done")
print(f"removing existing configs for {id}...", end = " ", flush = True)
try:"rm {self.wireguardConfigGlob}")"rm {self.wireguard_config_glob}")
except UnexpectedExit:
for (id_a, node_a), (id_b, node_b) in combinations(self.nodes.items(), 2):
for (id_a, node_a), (id_b, node_b) in combinations(self.mesh_nodes.items(), 2):
print(f"creating configs for {id_a} <-> {id_b} tunnel...", end = " ", flush = True)
@ -153,11 +155,11 @@ class WovenConfig:
key_b_pub = key_b.public_key()
tunnel_name_a = self.get_tunnel_name(id_a, id_b)
addresses_a = [IPv4Interface(f"{ipv4_a}/{self.ptpIpv4Range.prefixlen}"), IPv6Interface(f"{ipv6_a}/{self.ptpIpv6Range.prefixlen}")]
addresses_a = [IPv4Interface(f"{ipv4_a}/{self.ptp_ipv4_range.prefixlen}"), IPv6Interface(f"{ipv6_a}/{self.ptp_ipv6_range.prefixlen}")]
preup_a = [f"ip ro replace {node_b.address}/32 dev {node_a.interface} via {node_a.gateway} metric 10 src {node_a.address}"]
predown_a = [f"ip ro del {node_b.address}/32 dev {node_a.interface} via {node_a.gateway} metric 10 src {node_a.address}"]
postup_a = [f"ip ro replace {sn} dev {tunnel_name_a} via {ipv4_b} metric 10" for sn in node_b.ipv4Ranges] + [f"ip -6 ro replace {sn} dev {tunnel_name_a} via {ipv6_b} metric 10" for sn in node_b.ipv6Ranges]
postdown_a = [f"ip ro del {sn} dev {tunnel_name_a} via {ipv4_b} metric 10" for sn in node_b.ipv4Ranges] + [f"ip -6 ro del {sn} dev {tunnel_name_a} via {ipv6_b} metric 10" for sn in node_b.ipv6Ranges]
postup_a = [f"ip ro replace {sn} dev {tunnel_name_a} via {ipv4_b} metric 10" for sn in node_b.ipv4_ranges] + [f"ip -6 ro replace {sn} dev {tunnel_name_a} via {ipv6_b} metric 10" for sn in node_b.ipv6Ranges]
postdown_a = [f"ip ro del {sn} dev {tunnel_name_a} via {ipv4_b} metric 10" for sn in node_b.ipv4_ranges] + [f"ip -6 ro del {sn} dev {tunnel_name_a} via {ipv6_b} metric 10" for sn in node_b.ipv6Ranges]
config_a = WireguardConfig(
addresses = addresses_a,
@ -171,20 +173,20 @@ class WovenConfig:
peers = {
key_b_pub: WireguardPeer(
public_key = key_b_pub,
allowed_ips = self.allowedIps,
allowed_ips = self.allowed_ips,
endpoint_host = node_b.address,
endpoint_port = port,
persistent_keepalive = self.persistentKeepalive
persistent_keepalive = self.persistent_keepalive
tunnel_name_b = self.get_tunnel_name(id_b, id_a)
addresses_b = [IPv4Interface(f"{ipv4_b}/{self.ptpIpv4Range.prefixlen}"), IPv6Interface(f"{ipv6_b}/{self.ptpIpv6Range.prefixlen}")]
addresses_b = [IPv4Interface(f"{ipv4_b}/{self.ptp_ipv4_range.prefixlen}"), IPv6Interface(f"{ipv6_b}/{self.ptp_ipv6_range.prefixlen}")]
preup_b = [f"ip ro replace {node_a.address}/32 dev {node_b.interface} via {node_b.gateway} metric 10 src {node_b.address}"]
predown_b = [f"ip ro del {node_a.address}/32 dev {node_b.interface} via {node_b.gateway} metric 10 src {node_b.address}"]
postup_b = [f"ip ro replace {sn} dev {tunnel_name_b} via {ipv4_a} metric 10" for sn in node_a.ipv4Ranges] + [f"ip -6 ro replace {sn} dev {tunnel_name_b} via {ipv6_a} metric 10" for sn in node_a.ipv6Ranges]
postdown_b = [f"ip ro del {sn} dev {tunnel_name_b} via {ipv4_a} metric 10" for sn in node_a.ipv4Ranges] + [f"ip -6 ro del {sn} dev {tunnel_name_b} via {ipv6_a} metric 10" for sn in node_a.ipv6Ranges]
postup_b = [f"ip ro replace {sn} dev {tunnel_name_b} via {ipv4_a} metric 10" for sn in node_a.ipv4_ranges] + [f"ip -6 ro replace {sn} dev {tunnel_name_b} via {ipv6_a} metric 10" for sn in node_a.ipv6Ranges]
postdown_b = [f"ip ro del {sn} dev {tunnel_name_b} via {ipv4_a} metric 10" for sn in node_a.ipv4_ranges] + [f"ip -6 ro del {sn} dev {tunnel_name_b} via {ipv6_a} metric 10" for sn in node_a.ipv6Ranges]
config_b = WireguardConfig(
addresses = addresses_b,
@ -198,10 +200,10 @@ class WovenConfig:
peers = {
key_a_pub: WireguardPeer(
public_key = key_a_pub,
allowed_ips = self.allowedIps,
allowed_ips = self.allowed_ips,
endpoint_host = node_a.address,
endpoint_port = port,
persistent_keepalive = self.persistentKeepalive
persistent_keepalive = self.persistent_keepalive
@ -216,7 +218,7 @@ class WovenConfig:
for id, c in cs.items():
print(f"starting services for {id}...", end = " ", flush = True)"for f in {self.wireguardConfigGlob}; do systemctl start wg-quick@$(basename $f .{self.wireguardConfigExt}).service; done")"for f in {self.wireguard_config_glob}; do systemctl start wg-quick@$(basename $f .{self.wireguard_config_ext}).service; done")
def main():
@ -229,6 +231,7 @@ def main():
with redirect_stdout(open(devnull, "w") if args.quiet else stdout):
config = WovenConfig.load_json_file(args.config)
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"No configuration file found at '{args.config}'", file = stderr)
@ -236,9 +239,8 @@ def main():
print(f"Invalid JSON encountered in configuration file: {e}", file = stderr)
except ClassValidationError as e:
print(f"The following validation errors occurred when loading the configuration file:", file = stderr)
for e in e.exceptions:
print(f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}", file = stderr)
details = '\n'.join(f'{type(e).__name__}: {e}' for e in e.exceptions)
print(f"The following validation errors occurred when loading the configuration file:\n{details}", file = stderr)
if args.validate:
@ -248,5 +250,10 @@ def main():
print(f"error applying configuration: {e}", file = stderr)
woven_config_converter = Converter()
override_dict = lambda cls: { override(rename = sub(r"_([a-z])", lambda x:, for a in fields(cls) }
woven_config_converter.register_structure_hook_factory(has, lambda cls: make_dict_structure_fn(cls, woven_config_converter, **override_dict(cls)))
woven_config_converter.register_unstructure_hook_factory(has, lambda cls: make_dict_unstructure_fn(cls, woven_config_converter, _cattrs_omit_if_default = True, **override_dict(cls)))
if __name__ == "__main__":