Switch from pears to modified party parser
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 1045 additions and 375 deletions
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ links = [
gleam_stdlib = "~> 0.34 or ~> 1.0"
pears = "~> 0.3"
party = "~> 1.0"
gleeunit = "~> 1.0"
@ -4,10 +4,12 @@
packages = [
{ name = "gleam_stdlib", version = "0.36.0", build_tools = ["gleam"], requirements = [], otp_app = "gleam_stdlib", source = "hex", outer_checksum = "C0D14D807FEC6F8A08A7C9EF8DFDE6AE5C10E40E21325B2B29365965D82EB3D4" },
{ name = "gleeunit", version = "1.0.2", build_tools = ["gleam"], requirements = ["gleam_stdlib"], otp_app = "gleeunit", source = "hex", outer_checksum = "D364C87AFEB26BDB4FB8A5ABDE67D635DC9FA52D6AB68416044C35B096C6882D" },
{ name = "party", version = "1.0.0", build_tools = ["gleam"], requirements = ["gleam_stdlib"], otp_app = "party", source = "hex", outer_checksum = "13D70704E008F1AB163E6E5AED717014473898100B26852E158BD6E9BAE583BC" },
{ name = "pears", version = "0.3.0", build_tools = ["gleam"], requirements = ["gleam_stdlib"], otp_app = "pears", source = "hex", outer_checksum = "F823EDF5C7F8606A0B7764C071B6EE8515FC341D6FC69902E81120633DF7E983" },
gleam_stdlib = { version = "~> 0.34 or ~> 1.0" }
gleeunit = { version = "~> 1.0" }
party = { version = "~> 1.0"}
pears = { version = "~> 0.3" }
@ -2,34 +2,23 @@ import gleam/float
import gleam/int
import gleam/string
import gleam/result
import gleam/option.{None, Some}
import gleam/dict.{type Dict}
import gleam/list
import pears.{type Parser}
import pears/chars.{type Char, digit, string}
import pears/combinators.{
alt, between, choice, eof, just, lazy, left, many0, many1, map, maybe, none_of,
one_of, pair, recognize, right, sep_by0, seq, to,
import jasper/internal/parsing.{
type ParseError, type Parser, Parser, Position, Unexpected, between, char,
choice, choice_char, concat, digit, do, either, end, go, lazy, left, letter,
many, many1_concat, many_concat, map, pair, perhaps, perhaps_default,
perhaps_empty, return, right, satisfy, sep, string, to,
pub type ParseError {
UnexpectedToken(found: Char)
pub type JsonParseError =
fn run_parser(
input: String,
parser: pears.Parser(Char, a),
) -> Result(a, ParseError) {
case parser(chars.input(input)) {
Ok(pears.Parsed(_, j)) -> Ok(j)
Error(e) ->
Error(case e {
pears.UnexpectedToken(_, _, f) -> UnexpectedToken(f)
pears.UnexpectedEndOfInput(_, _) -> UnexpectedEndOfInput
pub type JsonParserError =
pub type JsonParser(a) =
Parser(a, JsonParseError)
pub type JsonObject =
Dict(String, JsonValue)
@ -46,129 +35,417 @@ pub type JsonValue {
fn ws0() -> Parser(Char, List(Char)) {
one_of([" ", "\n", "\r", "\t"])
|> many0()
fn ws(options: JsonParseOptions) -> JsonParser(String) {
satisfy(fn(c) {
case options.ecma_whitespace {
True ->
" \n\r\t\u{000B}\u{000C}\u{00A0}\u{2028}\u{2029}\u{FEFF}\u{1680}\u{2000}\u{2001}\u{2002}\u{2003}\u{2004}\u{2005}\u{2006}\u{2007}\u{2008}\u{2009}\u{200A}\u{202F}\u{205F}\u{3000}"
False -> " \n\r\t"
fn padded(p: Parser(_, a)) {
left(p, ws0())
fn padded(p: JsonParser(a), options: JsonParseOptions) -> JsonParser(a) {
left(p, ws(options))
fn symbol(s: String) {
fn symbol(s: String, options: JsonParseOptions) -> JsonParser(String) {
|> padded(options)
fn value_parser() -> Parser(Char, JsonValue) {
let hex_digit =
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e",
"f", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F",
fn json_null_parser() -> JsonParser(Nil) {
|> to(Nil)
let unicode_escape_digits =
recognize(seq([hex_digit, hex_digit, hex_digit, hex_digit]))
fn json_boolean_parser() -> JsonParser(Bool) {
either(to(string("true"), True), to(string("false"), False))
fn hex_digit_parser() -> JsonParser(String) {
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e",
"f", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F",
fn json_number_parser(options: JsonParseOptions) -> JsonParser(Float) {
let sign_parser =
either(char("+"), char("-"))
|> perhaps_empty
let int_parser =
choice_char(["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]),
let exp_parser =
either(char("e"), char("E"))
|> concat(sign_parser)
|> concat(many1_concat(digit()))
|> perhaps_empty
let min_double = -1.7976931348623158e308
let max_double = 1.7976931348623158e308
case options.ecma_numbers {
True -> {
use sign <- do(sign_parser)
let inf = case sign {
"-" -> min_double
_ -> max_double
to(string("Infinity"), inf),
to(string("NaN"), 0.0),
use hex <- do(
either(string("0x"), string("0X"))
|> right(many1_concat(hex_digit_parser())),
let assert Ok(n) = int.base_parse(sign <> hex, 16)
use n <- do(either(
use ns <- do(int_parser)
use ds <- do(
|> perhaps_default("0"),
|> perhaps_default("0"),
return(ns <> "." <> ds)
concat(to(char("."), "0."), many1_concat(digit())),
use ex <- do(exp_parser)
{ sign <> n <> ex }
|> float.parse
|> result.unwrap(inf)
|> return
False -> {
use sign <- do(
|> perhaps_empty,
let inf = case sign {
"-" -> min_double
_ -> max_double
use ns <- do(int_parser)
use ds <- do(
right(char("."), many1_concat(digit()))
|> perhaps_default("0"),
use ex <- do(exp_parser)
{ sign <> ns <> "." <> ds <> ex }
|> float.parse
|> result.unwrap(inf)
|> return
fn string_to_codepoint(value: String) -> String {
let assert Ok(number) = int.base_parse(value, 16)
let assert Ok(codepoint) = string.utf_codepoint(number)
fn valid_string_char(c: String) -> Bool {
let assert [p] = string.to_utf_codepoints(c)
let i = string.utf_codepoint_to_int(p)
i >= 0x20 && i <= 0x10FFFF
fn json_string_parser(options: JsonParseOptions) -> JsonParser(String) {
let hex_digit = hex_digit_parser()
let unicode_escape =
|> concat(hex_digit)
|> concat(hex_digit)
|> concat(hex_digit),
let escape =
|> right(
to(just("b"), "\u{0008}"),
to(just("f"), "\u{000C}"),
to(just("n"), "\n"),
to(just("r"), "\r"),
to(just("t"), "\t"),
map(right(just("u"), unicode_escape_digits), fn(value) {
let assert Ok(number) = int.base_parse(string.concat(value), 16)
let assert Ok(codepoint) = string.utf_codepoint(number)
choice(case options.ecma_strings {
True -> [
right(char("x"), concat(hex_digit, hex_digit)),
to(char("b"), "\u{0008}"),
to(char("f"), "\u{000C}"),
to(char("n"), "\n"),
to(char("r"), "\r"),
to(char("t"), "\t"),
to(char("v"), "\u{000B}"),
to(char("0"), "\u{0000}"),
satisfy(fn(c) { !string.contains("123456789", c) }),
False -> [
to(char("b"), "\u{0008}"),
to(char("f"), "\u{000C}"),
to(char("n"), "\n"),
to(char("r"), "\r"),
to(char("t"), "\t"),
let str =
none_of(["\"", "\\"])
|> alt(escape)
|> many0()
|> map(string.concat)
|> between(just("\""), just("\""))
let str = fn(q) {
satisfy(fn(c) { c != q && c != "\\" && valid_string_char(c) })
|> either(escape)
|> many_concat()
|> between(char(q), char(q))
let value = lazy(value_parser)
case options.ecma_strings {
True -> either(str("\""), str("'"))
False -> str("\"")
let num =
|> pair(
to(just("0"), ["0"]),
one_of(["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]),
|> map(string.concat),
|> pair(maybe(
|> right(many1(digit()))
|> map(string.concat),
|> pair(
alt(just("e"), just("E"))
|> pair(maybe(one_of(["+", "-"])))
|> pair(many1(digit())),
|> map(string.concat),
|> map(fn(p) {
case p {
#(#(#(neg, ns), ds), ex) -> {
option.unwrap(neg, "") <> ns <> "." <> option.unwrap(ds, "0") <> ex
|> float.parse
|> result.unwrap(case neg {
Some(_) -> -1.7976931348623158e308
None -> 1.7976931348623158e308
|> Number
fn parse_multiline_comment() -> JsonParser(String) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) {
let assert Position(row, col) = pos
case source {
[h, ..t] ->
case h {
"\n" -> Ok(#(h, t, Position(row + 1, 0)))
"*" ->
case t {
["/", ..] -> Error(Unexpected(pos, h))
_ -> Ok(#(h, t, Position(row, col + 1)))
_ -> Ok(#(h, t, Position(row, col + 1)))
let bool =
alt(to(string("true"), Boolean(True)), to(string("false"), Boolean(False)))
let null = to(string("null"), Null)
let array =
sep_by0(value, symbol(","))
|> between(symbol("["), symbol("]"))
|> map(Array)
let obj =
|> left(symbol(":"))
|> pair(value)
|> sep_by0(symbol(","))
|> map(dict.from_list)
|> between(symbol("{"), symbol("}"))
|> map(Object)
choice([num, bool, null, map(str, String), array, obj])
|> padded()
[] -> Error(Unexpected(pos, "EOF"))
|> many_concat
|> between(string("/*"), string("*/"))
fn json_parser() -> Parser(Char, JsonValue) {
|> between(ws0(), eof())
fn parse_singleline_comment() -> JsonParser(String) {
many_concat(satisfy(fn(c) { !string.contains("\r\n\u{2028}\u{2029}", c) })),
pub fn parse_json(value: String) -> Result(JsonValue, ParseError) {
run_parser(value, json_parser())
fn comment_parser(options: JsonParseOptions) -> JsonParser(String) {
either(parse_multiline_comment(), parse_singleline_comment())
|> padded(options)
fn allow_comments(options: JsonParseOptions, p: Parser(_, _)) {
case options.comments {
True -> left(p, many(comment_parser(options)))
False -> p
fn allow_trailing_comma(options: JsonParseOptions, p: Parser(_, _)) {
case options.trailing_comma {
True -> right(perhaps(symbol(",", options)), p)
False -> p
fn json_array_parser(options: JsonParseOptions) -> JsonParser(JsonArray) {
let json_value_parser = lazy(fn() { json_value_parser(options) })
let allow_comments = allow_comments(options, _)
sep(json_value_parser, allow_comments(symbol(",", options)))
|> between(
allow_comments(symbol("[", options)),
allow_trailing_comma(options, symbol("]", options)),
// todo
fn ecmascript_identifier_parser() -> JsonParser(String) {
|> concat(
either(letter(), digit())
|> many_concat,
fn json_object_parser(options: JsonParseOptions) -> JsonParser(JsonObject) {
let json_value_parser = lazy(fn() { json_value_parser(options) })
let allow_comments = allow_comments(options, _)
let key_parser = case options.ecma_object_keys {
True -> either(json_string_parser(options), ecmascript_identifier_parser())
False -> json_string_parser(options)
|> left(allow_comments(symbol(":", options)))
|> pair(json_value_parser)
|> sep(allow_comments(symbol(",", options)))
|> map(dict.from_list)
|> between(
allow_comments(symbol("{", options)),
allow_trailing_comma(options, symbol("}", options)),
fn json_value_parser(options: JsonParseOptions) -> JsonParser(JsonValue) {
to(json_null_parser(), Null),
map(json_boolean_parser(), Boolean),
map(json_number_parser(options), Number),
map(json_string_parser(options), String),
map(json_array_parser(options), Array),
map(json_object_parser(options), Object),
|> padded(options)
|> allow_comments(options, _)
fn json_parser(options: JsonParseOptions) -> JsonParser(JsonValue) {
|> between(allow_comments(options, ws(options)), end())
import gleam/io
pub fn main() {
// io.debug(parse_jsonc(
// " /* asdf */ [1 , // asdf \n 2/* asdf */, { \"k\"/* asdf */ :// asdf\n 3}]",
// ))
// io.debug(parse_jsonc(
// "{
// \"foo\":/* * / */ \"121234\",
// \"foo\":/* *//* /*** */ \"121234\"
// } // asdf",
// ))
io.debug(parse_json5("{bar: -0x14,\"foo\": \"a\\x23\\\r\nsd\\Af\",}"))
pub type JsonParseOptions {
comments: Bool,
trailing_comma: Bool,
ecma_object_keys: Bool,
ecma_strings: Bool,
ecma_numbers: Bool,
ecma_whitespace: Bool,
const json_options = JsonParseOptions(
comments: False,
trailing_comma: False,
ecma_object_keys: False,
ecma_strings: False,
ecma_numbers: False,
ecma_whitespace: False,
const jsonc_options = JsonParseOptions(
comments: True,
trailing_comma: False,
ecma_object_keys: False,
ecma_strings: False,
ecma_numbers: False,
ecma_whitespace: False,
const json5_options = JsonParseOptions(
comments: True,
trailing_comma: True,
ecma_object_keys: True,
ecma_strings: True,
ecma_numbers: True,
ecma_whitespace: True,
const jsonl_options = json_options
pub fn parse_json_custom(
value: String,
options: JsonParseOptions,
) -> Result(JsonValue, JsonParserError) {
go(json_parser(options), value)
pub fn parse_json(value: String) -> Result(JsonValue, JsonParserError) {
parse_json_custom(value, json_options)
pub fn parse_jsonc(value: String) -> Result(JsonValue, JsonParserError) {
parse_json_custom(value, jsonc_options)
pub fn parse_json5(value: String) -> Result(JsonValue, JsonParserError) {
parse_json_custom(value, json5_options)
fn split_jsonl(value: String) -> List(String) {
case string.last(value) {
Ok("\n") -> string.drop_right(value, 1)
_ -> value
|> string.split("\n")
pub fn parse_jsonl(value: String) -> Result(List(JsonValue), JsonParserError) {
let parse = go(json_parser(jsonl_options), _)
list.try_map(split_jsonl(value), parse)
pub fn parse_jsonl_all(
value: String,
) -> List(Result(JsonValue, JsonParserError)) {
let parse = go(json_parser(jsonl_options), _)
list.map(split_jsonl(value), parse)
pub fn parse_jsonl_valid(value: String) -> List(JsonValue) {
|> parse_jsonl_all
|> result.values
fn stringify_json_spaced_rec(
@ -269,213 +546,188 @@ pub fn stringify_jsonl(values: List(JsonValue)) -> String {
|> list.map(stringify_json)
|> string.join("\n")
// pub type JsonQuery {
// Root
// Key(query: JsonQuery, key: String)
// KeyOr(query: JsonQuery, key: String, or: JsonValue)
// Index(query: JsonQuery, index: Int)
// IndexOr(query: JsonQuery, index: Int, or: JsonValue)
// Filter(query: JsonQuery, predicate: fn(JsonValue) -> Bool)
// Map(query: JsonQuery, mapping: fn(JsonValue) -> JsonValue)
// MapKeys(query: JsonQuery, mapping: fn(String) -> String)
// MapValues(query: JsonQuery, mapping: fn(String, JsonValue) -> JsonValue)
// FilterMap(query: JsonQuery, mapping: fn(JsonValue) -> Result(JsonValue, Nil))
// ForEach(query: JsonQuery)
// ForEachOk(query: JsonQuery)
// }
fn split_jsonl(value: String) -> List(String) {
case string.last(value) {
Ok("\n") -> string.drop_right(value, 1)
_ -> value
|> string.split("\n")
// type InvJsonQuery {
// InvEnd
// InvKey(key: String, query: InvJsonQuery)
// InvKeyOr(key: String, or: JsonValue, query: InvJsonQuery)
// InvIndex(index: Int, query: InvJsonQuery)
// InvIndexOr(index: Int, or: JsonValue, query: InvJsonQuery)
// InvFilter(predicate: fn(JsonValue) -> Bool, query: InvJsonQuery)
// InvMap(mapping: fn(JsonValue) -> JsonValue, query: InvJsonQuery)
// InvMapKeys(mapping: fn(String) -> String, query: InvJsonQuery)
// InvMapValues(mapping: fn(String, JsonValue) -> JsonValue, query: InvJsonQuery)
// InvFilterMap(
// mapping: fn(JsonValue) -> Result(JsonValue, Nil),
// query: InvJsonQuery,
// )
// InvForEach(query: InvJsonQuery)
// InvForEachOk(query: InvJsonQuery)
// }
pub fn parse_jsonl(value: String) -> Result(List(JsonValue), ParseError) {
let parse = run_parser(_, json_parser())
list.try_map(split_jsonl(value), parse)
// fn invert_query_rec(query: JsonQuery, state: InvJsonQuery) -> InvJsonQuery {
// case query {
// Root -> state
// Key(query, key) -> invert_query_rec(query, InvKey(key, state))
// KeyOr(query, key, o) -> invert_query_rec(query, InvKeyOr(key, o, state))
// Index(query, index) -> invert_query_rec(query, InvIndex(index, state))
// IndexOr(query, index, or) ->
// invert_query_rec(query, InvIndexOr(index, or, state))
// Filter(query, predicate) ->
// invert_query_rec(query, InvFilter(predicate, state))
// Map(query, mapping) -> invert_query_rec(query, InvMap(mapping, state))
// MapKeys(query, mapping) ->
// invert_query_rec(query, InvMapKeys(mapping, state))
// MapValues(query, mapping) ->
// invert_query_rec(query, InvMapValues(mapping, state))
// FilterMap(query, mapping) ->
// invert_query_rec(query, InvFilterMap(mapping, state))
// ForEach(query) -> invert_query_rec(query, InvForEach(state))
// ForEachOk(query) -> invert_query_rec(query, InvForEachOk(state))
// }
// }
pub fn parse_jsonl_all(value: String) -> List(Result(JsonValue, ParseError)) {
let parse = run_parser(_, json_parser())
list.map(split_jsonl(value), parse)
// fn invert_query(query: JsonQuery) -> InvJsonQuery {
// invert_query_rec(query, InvEnd)
// }
pub fn parse_jsonl_valid(value: String) -> List(JsonValue) {
|> parse_jsonl_all
|> result.values
// pub type JsonQueryError {
// UnexpectedType(JsonValue)
// MissingObjectKey(JsonValue, key: String)
// IndexOutOfBounds(JsonValue, index: Int)
// }
pub type JsonQuery {
Key(query: JsonQuery, key: String)
KeyOr(query: JsonQuery, key: String, or: JsonValue)
Index(query: JsonQuery, index: Int)
IndexOr(query: JsonQuery, index: Int, or: JsonValue)
Filter(query: JsonQuery, predicate: fn(JsonValue) -> Bool)
Map(query: JsonQuery, mapping: fn(JsonValue) -> JsonValue)
MapKeys(query: JsonQuery, mapping: fn(String) -> String)
MapValues(query: JsonQuery, mapping: fn(String, JsonValue) -> JsonValue)
FilterMap(query: JsonQuery, mapping: fn(JsonValue) -> Result(JsonValue, Nil))
ForEach(query: JsonQuery)
ForEachOk(query: JsonQuery)
// fn query_json_rec(
// json: JsonValue,
// query: InvJsonQuery,
// ) -> Result(JsonValue, JsonQueryError) {
// case query {
// InvEnd -> Ok(json)
// InvKey(key, q) ->
// case json {
// Object(obj) as j ->
// obj
// |> dict.get(key)
// |> result.replace_error(MissingObjectKey(j, key))
// j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
// }
// |> result.map(query_json_rec(_, q))
// |> result.flatten
// InvKeyOr(key, or, q) ->
// case json {
// Object(obj) ->
// obj
// |> dict.get(key)
// |> result.unwrap(or)
// |> Ok
// j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
// }
// |> result.map(query_json_rec(_, q))
// |> result.flatten
// InvIndex(index, q) ->
// case json {
// Array(arr) as j ->
// arr
// |> list.at(index)
// |> result.replace_error(IndexOutOfBounds(j, index))
// j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
// }
// |> result.map(query_json_rec(_, q))
// |> result.flatten
// InvIndexOr(index, or, q) ->
// case json {
// Array(arr) ->
// arr
// |> list.at(index)
// |> result.unwrap(or)
// |> Ok
// j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
// }
// |> result.map(query_json_rec(_, q))
// |> result.flatten
// InvFilter(predicate, q) ->
// case json {
// Array(arr) ->
// arr
// |> list.filter(predicate)
// |> Array
// |> query_json_rec(q)
// j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
// }
// InvMap(mapping, q) ->
// case json {
// Array(arr) ->
// arr
// |> list.map(mapping)
// |> Array
// |> query_json_rec(q)
// j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
// }
// InvMapKeys(mapping, q) ->
// case json {
// Object(obj) ->
// obj
// |> dict.to_list
// |> list.map(fn(kv) { #(mapping(kv.0), kv.1) })
// |> dict.from_list
// |> Object
// |> query_json_rec(q)
// j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
// }
// InvMapValues(mapping, q) ->
// case json {
// Object(obj) ->
// obj
// |> dict.map_values(mapping)
// |> Object
// |> query_json_rec(q)
// j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
// }
// InvFilterMap(mapping, q) ->
// case json {
// Array(arr) ->
// arr
// |> list.filter_map(mapping)
// |> Array
// |> query_json_rec(q)
// j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
// }
// InvForEach(q) ->
// case json {
// Array(arr) ->
// arr
// |> list.map(query_json_rec(_, q))
// |> result.all
// |> result.map(Array)
// j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
// }
// InvForEachOk(q) ->
// case json {
// Array(arr) ->
// arr
// |> list.map(query_json_rec(_, q))
// |> result.values
// |> Array
// |> Ok
// j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
// }
// }
// }
type InvJsonQuery {
InvKey(key: String, query: InvJsonQuery)
InvKeyOr(key: String, or: JsonValue, query: InvJsonQuery)
InvIndex(index: Int, query: InvJsonQuery)
InvIndexOr(index: Int, or: JsonValue, query: InvJsonQuery)
InvFilter(predicate: fn(JsonValue) -> Bool, query: InvJsonQuery)
InvMap(mapping: fn(JsonValue) -> JsonValue, query: InvJsonQuery)
InvMapKeys(mapping: fn(String) -> String, query: InvJsonQuery)
InvMapValues(mapping: fn(String, JsonValue) -> JsonValue, query: InvJsonQuery)
mapping: fn(JsonValue) -> Result(JsonValue, Nil),
query: InvJsonQuery,
InvForEach(query: InvJsonQuery)
InvForEachOk(query: InvJsonQuery)
fn invert_query_rec(query: JsonQuery, state: InvJsonQuery) -> InvJsonQuery {
case query {
Root -> state
Key(query, key) -> invert_query_rec(query, InvKey(key, state))
KeyOr(query, key, o) -> invert_query_rec(query, InvKeyOr(key, o, state))
Index(query, index) -> invert_query_rec(query, InvIndex(index, state))
IndexOr(query, index, or) ->
invert_query_rec(query, InvIndexOr(index, or, state))
Filter(query, predicate) ->
invert_query_rec(query, InvFilter(predicate, state))
Map(query, mapping) -> invert_query_rec(query, InvMap(mapping, state))
MapKeys(query, mapping) ->
invert_query_rec(query, InvMapKeys(mapping, state))
MapValues(query, mapping) ->
invert_query_rec(query, InvMapValues(mapping, state))
FilterMap(query, mapping) ->
invert_query_rec(query, InvFilterMap(mapping, state))
ForEach(query) -> invert_query_rec(query, InvForEach(state))
ForEachOk(query) -> invert_query_rec(query, InvForEachOk(state))
fn invert_query(query: JsonQuery) -> InvJsonQuery {
invert_query_rec(query, InvEnd)
pub type JsonQueryError {
MissingObjectKey(JsonValue, key: String)
IndexOutOfBounds(JsonValue, index: Int)
fn query_json_rec(
json: JsonValue,
query: InvJsonQuery,
) -> Result(JsonValue, JsonQueryError) {
case query {
InvEnd -> Ok(json)
InvKey(key, q) ->
case json {
Object(obj) as j ->
|> dict.get(key)
|> result.replace_error(MissingObjectKey(j, key))
j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
|> result.map(query_json_rec(_, q))
|> result.flatten
InvKeyOr(key, or, q) ->
case json {
Object(obj) ->
|> dict.get(key)
|> result.unwrap(or)
|> Ok
j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
|> result.map(query_json_rec(_, q))
|> result.flatten
InvIndex(index, q) ->
case json {
Array(arr) as j ->
|> list.at(index)
|> result.replace_error(IndexOutOfBounds(j, index))
j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
|> result.map(query_json_rec(_, q))
|> result.flatten
InvIndexOr(index, or, q) ->
case json {
Array(arr) ->
|> list.at(index)
|> result.unwrap(or)
|> Ok
j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
|> result.map(query_json_rec(_, q))
|> result.flatten
InvFilter(predicate, q) ->
case json {
Array(arr) ->
|> list.filter(predicate)
|> Array
|> query_json_rec(q)
j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
InvMap(mapping, q) ->
case json {
Array(arr) ->
|> list.map(mapping)
|> Array
|> query_json_rec(q)
j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
InvMapKeys(mapping, q) ->
case json {
Object(obj) ->
|> dict.to_list
|> list.map(fn(kv) { #(mapping(kv.0), kv.1) })
|> dict.from_list
|> Object
|> query_json_rec(q)
j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
InvMapValues(mapping, q) ->
case json {
Object(obj) ->
|> dict.map_values(mapping)
|> Object
|> query_json_rec(q)
j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
InvFilterMap(mapping, q) ->
case json {
Array(arr) ->
|> list.filter_map(mapping)
|> Array
|> query_json_rec(q)
j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
InvForEach(q) ->
case json {
Array(arr) ->
|> list.map(query_json_rec(_, q))
|> result.all
|> result.map(Array)
j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
InvForEachOk(q) ->
case json {
Array(arr) ->
|> list.map(query_json_rec(_, q))
|> result.values
|> Array
|> Ok
j -> Error(UnexpectedType(j))
pub fn query_json(json: JsonValue, query: JsonQuery) {
query_json_rec(json, invert_query(query))
// pub fn query_json(json: JsonValue, query: JsonQuery) {
// query_json_rec(json, invert_query(query))
// }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
import gleam/string
import gleam/result
import gleam/list
/// The custom error type for the parser,
/// which can itself be parameterized by a user-defined error type.
/// The user-defined error type is useful for, for example,
/// adding a `int.parse` call into your parser pipeline.
/// See `try` for using this feature.
pub type ParseError(e) {
Unexpected(pos: Position, error: String)
UserError(pos: Position, error: e)
/// The type for positions within a string.
pub type Position {
Position(row: Int, col: Int)
/// The parser type, parameterized by the type it parses and
/// the user-defined error type it can return.
pub type Parser(a, e) {
parse: fn(List(String), Position) ->
Result(#(a, List(String), Position), ParseError(e)),
/// Apply a parser to a list of graphemes (holding on to extra result info that is hidden from the library user).
fn run(
p: Parser(a, e),
src: List(String),
pos: Position,
) -> Result(#(a, List(String), Position), ParseError(e)) {
case p {
Parser(f) -> f(src, pos)
/// Apply a parser to a string.
pub fn go(p: Parser(a, e), src: String) -> Result(a, ParseError(e)) {
case run(p, string.to_graphemes(src), Position(1, 1)) {
Ok(#(x, _, _)) -> Ok(x)
Error(e) -> Error(e)
/// Get the current parser position.
pub fn pos() -> Parser(Position, e) {
Parser(fn(source, p) { Ok(#(p, source, p)) })
/// Parse a character if it matches the predicate.
pub fn satisfy(when pred: fn(String) -> Bool) -> Parser(String, e) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) {
let assert Position(row, col) = pos
case source {
[h, ..t] ->
case pred(h) {
True ->
case h {
"\n" -> Ok(#(h, t, Position(row + 1, 0)))
_ -> Ok(#(h, t, Position(row, col + 1)))
False -> Error(Unexpected(pos, h))
[] -> Error(Unexpected(pos, "EOF"))
/// Parse a lowercase letter.
pub fn lowercase_letter() -> Parser(String, e) {
satisfy(when: fn(c) { string.contains("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", c) })
/// Parse an uppercase letter.
pub fn uppercase_letter() -> Parser(String, e) {
satisfy(when: fn(c) { string.contains("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", c) })
/// Parse a lowercase or uppercase letter.
pub fn letter() -> Parser(String, e) {
either(lowercase_letter(), uppercase_letter())
/// Parse a specific character.
pub fn char(c) -> Parser(String, e) {
satisfy(when: fn(c2) { c == c2 })
/// Parse a digit.
pub fn digit() -> Parser(String, e) {
satisfy(fn(c) { string.contains("0123456789", c) })
/// Parse a sequence of digits.
pub fn digits() -> Parser(String, e) {
/// Parse the first parser, or the second if the first fails.
pub fn either(p: Parser(a, e), q: Parser(a, e)) -> Parser(a, e) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) { result.or(run(p, source, pos), run(q, source, pos)) })
/// Parse with the first parser in the list that doesn't fail.
pub fn choice(ps: List(Parser(a, e))) -> Parser(a, e) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) {
case ps {
[] -> panic as "choice doesn't accept an empty list of parsers"
// TODO: should this be an Unexpected instead?
[p] -> run(p, source, pos)
[p, ..t] ->
case run(p, source, pos) {
Ok(#(x, r, pos2)) -> Ok(#(x, r, pos2))
Error(_) -> run(choice(t), source, pos)
/// Parse an alphanumeric character.
pub fn alphanum() -> Parser(String, e) {
either(digit(), letter())
/// Parse zero or more whitespace characters.
pub fn whitespace() -> Parser(String, e) {
many_concat(choice([char(" "), char("\t"), char("\n")]))
/// Parse one or more whitespace characters.
pub fn whitespace1() -> Parser(String, e) {
many1_concat(choice([char(" "), char("\t"), char("\n")]))
/// Keep trying the parser until it fails, and return the array of parsed results.
/// This cannot fail because it parses zero or more times!
pub fn many(p: Parser(a, e)) -> Parser(List(a), e) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) {
case run(p, source, pos) {
Error(_) -> Ok(#([], source, pos))
Ok(#(x, r, pos2)) ->
result.map(run(many(p), r, pos2), fn(res) {
#([x, ..res.0], res.1, res.2)
/// Parse a certain string as many times as possible, returning everything that was parsed.
/// This cannot fail because it parses zero or more times!
pub fn many_concat(p: Parser(String, e)) -> Parser(String, e) {
|> map(string.concat)
/// Keep trying the parser until it fails, and return the array of parsed results.
/// This can fail, because it must parse successfully at least once!
pub fn many1(p: Parser(a, e)) -> Parser(List(a), e) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) {
case run(p, source, pos) {
Error(e) -> Error(e)
Ok(#(x, r, pos2)) ->
result.map(run(many(p), r, pos2), fn(res) {
#([x, ..res.0], res.1, res.2)
/// Parse a certain string as many times as possible, returning everything that was parsed.
/// This can fail, because it must parse successfully at least once!
pub fn many1_concat(p: Parser(String, e)) -> Parser(String, e) {
|> map(string.concat)
/// Do the first parser, ignore its result, then do the second parser.
pub fn seq(p: Parser(a, e), q: Parser(b, e)) -> Parser(b, e) {
use _ <- do(p)
/// Parse a sequence separated by the given separator parser.
pub fn sep(parser: Parser(a, e), by s: Parser(b, e)) -> Parser(List(a), e) {
use mb_a <- do(perhaps(parser))
case mb_a {
Ok(a) -> {
use rest <- do(many(right(s, parser)))
return([a, ..rest])
Error(Nil) -> return([])
/// Parse a sequence separated by the given separator parser.
/// This only succeeds if at least one element of the sequence was parsed.
pub fn sep1(parser: Parser(a, e), by s: Parser(b, e)) -> Parser(List(a), e) {
use sequence <- do(sep(parser, by: s))
case sequence {
[] -> fail()
_ -> return(sequence)
/// Do `p`, then apply `f` to the result if it succeeded.
pub fn map(p: Parser(a, e), f: fn(a) -> b) -> Parser(b, e) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) {
case run(p, source, pos) {
Ok(#(x, r, pos2)) -> Ok(#(f(x), r, pos2))
Error(e) -> Error(e)
/// Do `p`, the apply `f` to the result if it succeeded.
/// `f` itself can fail with the user-defined error type,
/// and if it does the result is a `UserError` with the error.
pub fn try(p: Parser(a, e), f: fn(a) -> Result(b, e)) -> Parser(b, e) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) {
case run(p, source, pos) {
Ok(#(x, r, pos2)) ->
case f(x) {
Ok(a) -> Ok(#(a, r, pos2))
Error(e) -> Error(UserError(pos2, e))
Error(e) -> Error(e)
/// Transform the user-defined error type
/// with a user-provided conversion function.
pub fn error_map(p: Parser(a, e), f: fn(e) -> f) -> Parser(a, f) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) {
case run(p, source, pos) {
Ok(res) -> Ok(res)
Error(e) ->
case e {
UserError(pos, e) -> Error(UserError(pos, f(e)))
Unexpected(pos, s) -> Error(Unexpected(pos, s))
/// Try running a parser, but still succeed (with `Error(Nil)`) if it failed.
pub fn perhaps(p: Parser(a, e)) -> Parser(Result(a, Nil), e) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) {
case run(p, source, pos) {
Ok(#(x, r, pos2)) -> Ok(#(Ok(x), r, pos2))
Error(_) -> Ok(#(Error(Nil), source, pos))
/// Do each parser in the list, returning the result of the last parser.
pub fn all(ps: List(Parser(a, e))) -> Parser(a, e) {
case ps {
[p] -> p
[h, ..t] -> {
use _ <- do(h)
_ -> panic as "all(parsers) doesn't accept an empty list of parsers"
// TODO: should this be an Unexpected instead?
/// Parse an exact string of characters.
pub fn string(s: String) -> Parser(String, e) {
case string.pop_grapheme(s) {
Ok(#(h, t)) -> {
use c <- do(char(h))
use rest <- do(string(t))
return(c <> rest)
Error(_) -> return("")
/// Negate a parser: if it succeeds, this fails, and vice versa.
/// Example: `seq(string("if"), not(either(alphanum(), char("_"))))`
pub fn not(p: Parser(a, e)) -> Parser(Nil, e) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) {
case run(p, source, pos) {
Ok(_) -> Error(Unexpected(pos, ""))
// todo: better error message here (add a label system)
Error(_) -> Ok(#(Nil, source, pos))
/// Parses successfully only when at the end of the input string.
pub fn end() -> Parser(Nil, e) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) {
case source {
[] -> Ok(#(Nil, source, pos))
[h, ..] -> Error(Unexpected(pos, h))
/// Run a parser as normal, but the parser itself isn't evaluated until it is used.
/// This is needed for recursive grammars, such as `E := n | E + E` where `n` is a number.
/// Example: `lazy(digit)` instead of `digit()`.
pub fn lazy(p: fn() -> Parser(a, e)) -> Parser(a, e) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) { run(p(), source, pos) })
/// A monadic bind for pleasant interplay with gleam's `use` syntax.
/// example:
/// ```
/// fn identifier() -> Parser(String, e) {
/// use pos <- do(pos())
/// use first <- do(lowercase_letter())
/// use rest <- do(many(alt(alphanum(), char("_"))))
/// return(Ident(pos, first <> string.concat(rest)))
/// }
/// ```
pub fn do(p: Parser(a, e), f: fn(a) -> Parser(b, e)) -> Parser(b, e) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) {
case run(p, source, pos) {
Ok(#(x, r, pos2)) -> run(f(x), r, pos2)
Error(e) -> Error(e)
/// A monadic return for pleasant interplay with gleam's `use` syntax.
/// see `do` for more details and an example.
/// This is redundant if the last `do` is a `map` instead.
/// But I prefer using it, stylistically.
pub fn return(x) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) { Ok(#(x, source, pos)) })
/// Immediately fail regardless of the next input
pub fn fail() -> Parser(a, e) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) {
case source {
[] -> Error(Unexpected(pos, "EOF"))
[h, ..] -> Error(Unexpected(pos, h))
pub fn left(p: Parser(a, e), q: Parser(b, e)) -> Parser(a, e) {
use x <- do(p)
use _ <- do(q)
pub fn right(p: Parser(a, e), q: Parser(b, e)) -> Parser(b, e) {
use _ <- do(p)
use x <- do(q)
pub fn pair(p: Parser(a, e), q: Parser(b, e)) -> Parser(#(a, b), e) {
use x <- do(p)
use y <- do(q)
return(#(x, y))
pub fn between(
p: Parser(a, e),
q: Parser(b, e),
r: Parser(c, e),
) -> Parser(a, e) {
use _ <- do(q)
use x <- do(p)
use _ <- do(r)
pub fn concat(p: Parser(String, e), q: Parser(String, e)) -> Parser(String, e) {
use x <- do(p)
use y <- do(q)
return(x <> y)
pub fn choice_char(vs: List(String)) -> Parser(String, e) {
|> list.map(char)
|> choice
pub fn perhaps_default(p: Parser(a, e), d: a) -> Parser(a, e) {
use x <- do(perhaps(p))
return(result.unwrap(x, d))
pub fn perhaps_empty(p: Parser(String, e)) -> Parser(String, e) {
perhaps_default(p, "")
pub fn to(p: Parser(a, e), v: b) -> Parser(b, e) {
use _ <- do(p)
pub fn any() -> Parser(String, e) {
Parser(fn(source, pos) {
let assert Position(row, col) = pos
case source {
[h, ..t] ->
case h {
"\n" -> Ok(#(h, t, Position(row + 1, 0)))
_ -> Ok(#(h, t, Position(row, col + 1)))
[] -> Error(Unexpected(pos, "EOF"))
@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ import gleeunit
import gleeunit/should
import gleam/dict
import jasper.{
type JsonValue, Array, Boolean, Index, IndexOutOfBounds, Key, MissingObjectKey,
Null, Number, Object, Root, String, UnexpectedType, parse_json, query_json,
type JsonValue, Array, Boolean, Null, Number, Object, String, parse_json,
pub fn main() {
@ -77,45 +76,44 @@ pub fn parse_objects_test() {
pub fn query_test() {
query_json(String("foo"), Root)
|> should.equal(Ok(String("foo")))
|> Key("foo"),
|> should.equal(Error(UnexpectedType(String("foo"))))
|> Index(2),
|> should.equal(Error(UnexpectedType(String("foo"))))
|> Index(2),
|> should.equal(Error(IndexOutOfBounds(Array([String("foo")]), 2)))
Object(dict.from_list([#("bar", Array([String("foo")]))])),
|> Key("bar")
|> Index(2),
|> should.equal(Error(IndexOutOfBounds(Array([String("foo")]), 2)))
Object(dict.from_list([#("bar", Array([String("foo")]))])),
|> Key("foo")
|> Index(2),
|> should.equal(
Object(dict.from_list([#("bar", Array([String("foo")]))])),
// pub fn query_test() {
// query_json(String("foo"), Root)
// |> should.equal(Ok(String("foo")))
// query_json(
// String("foo"),
// Root
// |> Key("foo"),
// )
// |> should.equal(Error(UnexpectedType(String("foo"))))
// query_json(
// String("foo"),
// Root
// |> Index(2),
// )
// |> should.equal(Error(UnexpectedType(String("foo"))))
// query_json(
// Array([String("foo")]),
// Root
// |> Index(2),
// )
// |> should.equal(Error(IndexOutOfBounds(Array([String("foo")]), 2)))
// query_json(
// Object(dict.from_list([#("bar", Array([String("foo")]))])),
// Root
// |> Key("bar")
// |> Index(2),
// )
// |> should.equal(Error(IndexOutOfBounds(Array([String("foo")]), 2)))
// query_json(
// Object(dict.from_list([#("bar", Array([String("foo")]))])),
// Root
// |> Key("foo")
// |> Index(2),
// )
// |> should.equal(
// Error(MissingObjectKey(
// Object(dict.from_list([#("bar", Array([String("foo")]))])),
// "foo",
// )),
// )
// }
Reference in a new issue