#include "clay.h" #include #include #include #include typedef struct { SDL_Renderer *renderer; TTF_TextEngine *textEngine; TTF_Font **fonts; } Clay_SDL3RendererData; /* Global for convenience. Even in 4K this is enough for smooth curves (low radius or rect size coupled with * no AA or low resolution might make it appear as jagged curves) */ static int NUM_CIRCLE_SEGMENTS = 16; //all rendering is performed by a single SDL call, avoiding multiple RenderRect + plumbing choice for circles. static void SDL_Clay_RenderFillRoundedRect(Clay_SDL3RendererData *rendererData, const SDL_FRect rect, const float cornerRadius, const Clay_Color _color) { const SDL_FColor color = { _color.r/255, _color.g/255, _color.b/255, _color.a/255 }; int indexCount = 0, vertexCount = 0; const float minRadius = SDL_min(rect.w, rect.h) / 2.0f; const float clampedRadius = SDL_min(cornerRadius, minRadius); const int numCircleSegments = SDL_max(NUM_CIRCLE_SEGMENTS, (int) clampedRadius * 0.5f); int totalVertices = 4 + (4 * (numCircleSegments * 2)) + 2*4; int totalIndices = 6 + (4 * (numCircleSegments * 3)) + 6*4; SDL_Vertex vertices[totalVertices]; int indices[totalIndices]; //define center rectangle vertices[vertexCount++] = (SDL_Vertex){ {rect.x + clampedRadius, rect.y + clampedRadius}, color, {0, 0} }; //0 center TL vertices[vertexCount++] = (SDL_Vertex){ {rect.x + rect.w - clampedRadius, rect.y + clampedRadius}, color, {1, 0} }; //1 center TR vertices[vertexCount++] = (SDL_Vertex){ {rect.x + rect.w - clampedRadius, rect.y + rect.h - clampedRadius}, color, {1, 1} }; //2 center BR vertices[vertexCount++] = (SDL_Vertex){ {rect.x + clampedRadius, rect.y + rect.h - clampedRadius}, color, {0, 1} }; //3 center BL indices[indexCount++] = 0; indices[indexCount++] = 1; indices[indexCount++] = 3; indices[indexCount++] = 1; indices[indexCount++] = 2; indices[indexCount++] = 3; //define rounded corners as triangle fans const float step = (SDL_PI_F/2) / numCircleSegments; for (int i = 0; i < numCircleSegments; i++) { const float angle1 = (float)i * step; const float angle2 = ((float)i + 1.0f) * step; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { // Iterate over four corners float cx, cy, signX, signY; switch (j) { case 0: cx = rect.x + clampedRadius; cy = rect.y + clampedRadius; signX = -1; signY = -1; break; // Top-left case 1: cx = rect.x + rect.w - clampedRadius; cy = rect.y + clampedRadius; signX = 1; signY = -1; break; // Top-right case 2: cx = rect.x + rect.w - clampedRadius; cy = rect.y + rect.h - clampedRadius; signX = 1; signY = 1; break; // Bottom-right case 3: cx = rect.x + clampedRadius; cy = rect.y + rect.h - clampedRadius; signX = -1; signY = 1; break; // Bottom-left default: return; } vertices[vertexCount++] = (SDL_Vertex){ {cx + SDL_cosf(angle1) * clampedRadius * signX, cy + SDL_sinf(angle1) * clampedRadius * signY}, color, {0, 0} }; vertices[vertexCount++] = (SDL_Vertex){ {cx + SDL_cosf(angle2) * clampedRadius * signX, cy + SDL_sinf(angle2) * clampedRadius * signY}, color, {0, 0} }; indices[indexCount++] = j; // Connect to corresponding central rectangle vertex indices[indexCount++] = vertexCount - 2; indices[indexCount++] = vertexCount - 1; } } //Define edge rectangles // Top edge vertices[vertexCount++] = (SDL_Vertex){ {rect.x + clampedRadius, rect.y}, color, {0, 0} }; //TL vertices[vertexCount++] = (SDL_Vertex){ {rect.x + rect.w - clampedRadius, rect.y}, color, {1, 0} }; //TR indices[indexCount++] = 0; indices[indexCount++] = vertexCount - 2; //TL indices[indexCount++] = vertexCount - 1; //TR indices[indexCount++] = 1; indices[indexCount++] = 0; indices[indexCount++] = vertexCount - 1; //TR // Right edge vertices[vertexCount++] = (SDL_Vertex){ {rect.x + rect.w, rect.y + clampedRadius}, color, {1, 0} }; //RT vertices[vertexCount++] = (SDL_Vertex){ {rect.x + rect.w, rect.y + rect.h - clampedRadius}, color, {1, 1} }; //RB indices[indexCount++] = 1; indices[indexCount++] = vertexCount - 2; //RT indices[indexCount++] = vertexCount - 1; //RB indices[indexCount++] = 2; indices[indexCount++] = 1; indices[indexCount++] = vertexCount - 1; //RB // Bottom edge vertices[vertexCount++] = (SDL_Vertex){ {rect.x + rect.w - clampedRadius, rect.y + rect.h}, color, {1, 1} }; //BR vertices[vertexCount++] = (SDL_Vertex){ {rect.x + clampedRadius, rect.y + rect.h}, color, {0, 1} }; //BL indices[indexCount++] = 2; indices[indexCount++] = vertexCount - 2; //BR indices[indexCount++] = vertexCount - 1; //BL indices[indexCount++] = 3; indices[indexCount++] = 2; indices[indexCount++] = vertexCount - 1; //BL // Left edge vertices[vertexCount++] = (SDL_Vertex){ {rect.x, rect.y + rect.h - clampedRadius}, color, {0, 1} }; //LB vertices[vertexCount++] = (SDL_Vertex){ {rect.x, rect.y + clampedRadius}, color, {0, 0} }; //LT indices[indexCount++] = 3; indices[indexCount++] = vertexCount - 2; //LB indices[indexCount++] = vertexCount - 1; //LT indices[indexCount++] = 0; indices[indexCount++] = 3; indices[indexCount++] = vertexCount - 1; //LT // Render everything SDL_RenderGeometry(rendererData->renderer, NULL, vertices, vertexCount, indices, indexCount); } static void SDL_Clay_RenderArc(Clay_SDL3RendererData *rendererData, const SDL_FPoint center, const float radius, const float startAngle, const float endAngle, const float thickness, const Clay_Color color) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rendererData->renderer, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); const float radStart = startAngle * (SDL_PI_F / 180.0f); const float radEnd = endAngle * (SDL_PI_F / 180.0f); const int numCircleSegments = SDL_max(NUM_CIRCLE_SEGMENTS, (int)(radius * 1.5f)); //increase circle segments for larger circles, 1.5 is arbitrary. const float angleStep = (radEnd - radStart) / (float)numCircleSegments; const float thicknessStep = 0.4f; //arbitrary value to avoid overlapping lines. Changing THICKNESS_STEP or numCircleSegments might cause artifacts. for (float t = thicknessStep; t < thickness - thicknessStep; t += thicknessStep) { SDL_FPoint points[numCircleSegments + 1]; const float clampedRadius = SDL_max(radius - t, 1.0f); for (int i = 0; i <= numCircleSegments; i++) { const float angle = radStart + i * angleStep; points[i] = (SDL_FPoint){ SDL_roundf(center.x + SDL_cosf(angle) * clampedRadius), SDL_roundf(center.y + SDL_sinf(angle) * clampedRadius) }; } SDL_RenderLines(rendererData->renderer, points, numCircleSegments + 1); } } SDL_Rect currentClippingRectangle; static void SDL_Clay_RenderClayCommands(Clay_SDL3RendererData *rendererData, Clay_RenderCommandArray *rcommands) { for (size_t i = 0; i < rcommands->length; i++) { Clay_RenderCommand *rcmd = Clay_RenderCommandArray_Get(rcommands, i); const Clay_BoundingBox bounding_box = rcmd->boundingBox; const SDL_FRect rect = { (int)bounding_box.x, (int)bounding_box.y, (int)bounding_box.width, (int)bounding_box.height }; switch (rcmd->commandType) { case CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_RECTANGLE: { Clay_RectangleRenderData *config = &rcmd->renderData.rectangle; SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(rendererData->renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rendererData->renderer, config->backgroundColor.r, config->backgroundColor.g, config->backgroundColor.b, config->backgroundColor.a); if (config->cornerRadius.topLeft > 0) { SDL_Clay_RenderFillRoundedRect(rendererData, rect, config->cornerRadius.topLeft, config->backgroundColor); } else { SDL_RenderFillRect(rendererData->renderer, &rect); } } break; case CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_TEXT: { Clay_TextRenderData *config = &rcmd->renderData.text; TTF_Font *font = rendererData->fonts[config->fontId]; TTF_Text *text = TTF_CreateText(rendererData->textEngine, font, config->stringContents.chars, config->stringContents.length); TTF_SetTextColor(text, config->textColor.r, config->textColor.g, config->textColor.b, config->textColor.a); TTF_DrawRendererText(text, rect.x, rect.y); TTF_DestroyText(text); } break; case CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_BORDER: { Clay_BorderRenderData *config = &rcmd->renderData.border; const float minRadius = SDL_min(rect.w, rect.h) / 2.0f; const Clay_CornerRadius clampedRadii = { .topLeft = SDL_min(config->cornerRadius.topLeft, minRadius), .topRight = SDL_min(config->cornerRadius.topRight, minRadius), .bottomLeft = SDL_min(config->cornerRadius.bottomLeft, minRadius), .bottomRight = SDL_min(config->cornerRadius.bottomRight, minRadius) }; //edges SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rendererData->renderer, config->color.r, config->color.g, config->color.b, config->color.a); if (config->width.left > 0) { const float starting_y = rect.y + clampedRadii.topLeft; const float length = rect.h - clampedRadii.topLeft - clampedRadii.bottomLeft; SDL_FRect line = { rect.x, starting_y, config->width.left, length }; SDL_RenderFillRect(rendererData->renderer, &line); } if (config->width.right > 0) { const float starting_x = rect.x + rect.w - (float)config->width.right; const float starting_y = rect.y + clampedRadii.topRight; const float length = rect.h - clampedRadii.topRight - clampedRadii.bottomRight; SDL_FRect line = { starting_x, starting_y, config->width.right, length }; SDL_RenderFillRect(rendererData->renderer, &line); } if (config->width.top > 0) { const float starting_x = rect.x + clampedRadii.topLeft; const float length = rect.w - clampedRadii.topLeft - clampedRadii.topRight; SDL_FRect line = { starting_x, rect.y, length, config->width.top }; SDL_RenderFillRect(rendererData->renderer, &line); } if (config->width.bottom > 0) { const float starting_x = rect.x + clampedRadii.bottomLeft; const float starting_y = rect.y + rect.h - (float)config->width.bottom; const float length = rect.w - clampedRadii.bottomLeft - clampedRadii.bottomRight; SDL_FRect line = { starting_x, starting_y, length, config->width.bottom }; SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rendererData->renderer, config->color.r, config->color.g, config->color.b, config->color.a); SDL_RenderFillRect(rendererData->renderer, &line); } //corners if (config->cornerRadius.topLeft > 0) { const float centerX = rect.x + clampedRadii.topLeft -1; const float centerY = rect.y + clampedRadii.topLeft; SDL_Clay_RenderArc(rendererData, (SDL_FPoint){centerX, centerY}, clampedRadii.topLeft, 180.0f, 270.0f, config->width.top, config->color); } if (config->cornerRadius.topRight > 0) { const float centerX = rect.x + rect.w - clampedRadii.topRight -1; const float centerY = rect.y + clampedRadii.topRight; SDL_Clay_RenderArc(rendererData, (SDL_FPoint){centerX, centerY}, clampedRadii.topRight, 270.0f, 360.0f, config->width.top, config->color); } if (config->cornerRadius.bottomLeft > 0) { const float centerX = rect.x + clampedRadii.bottomLeft -1; const float centerY = rect.y + rect.h - clampedRadii.bottomLeft -1; SDL_Clay_RenderArc(rendererData, (SDL_FPoint){centerX, centerY}, clampedRadii.bottomLeft, 90.0f, 180.0f, config->width.bottom, config->color); } if (config->cornerRadius.bottomRight > 0) { const float centerX = rect.x + rect.w - clampedRadii.bottomRight -1; //TODO: why need to -1 in all calculations??? const float centerY = rect.y + rect.h - clampedRadii.bottomRight -1; SDL_Clay_RenderArc(rendererData, (SDL_FPoint){centerX, centerY}, clampedRadii.bottomRight, 0.0f, 90.0f, config->width.bottom, config->color); } } break; case CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_SCISSOR_START: { Clay_BoundingBox boundingBox = rcmd->boundingBox; currentClippingRectangle = (SDL_Rect) { .x = boundingBox.x, .y = boundingBox.y, .w = boundingBox.width, .h = boundingBox.height, }; SDL_SetRenderClipRect(rendererData->renderer, ¤tClippingRectangle); break; } case CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_SCISSOR_END: { SDL_SetRenderClipRect(rendererData->renderer, NULL); break; } case CLAY_RENDER_COMMAND_TYPE_IMAGE: { SDL_Surface *image = (SDL_Surface *)rcmd->renderData.image.imageData; SDL_Texture *texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(rendererData->renderer, image); const SDL_FRect dest = { rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h }; SDL_RenderTexture(rendererData->renderer, texture, NULL, &dest); SDL_DestroyTexture(texture); break; } default: SDL_Log("Unknown render command type: %d", rcmd->commandType); } } }